Happy Women's Day!
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity in the workplace. If you are a working woman (or man), why not use this day to check in and reflect on your own career as it relates to this important topic? Take a few minutes to ask yourself the following questions:
Am I feeling stalled in my career? Am I feeling overwhelmed with the stress of balancing work with all my responsibilities at home? Do I keep getting passed up for promotional opportunities? Do I keep getting into spats or conflicts with my coworkers? What is my energy level at work? How can I stay centered and calm during times of stress? What is my confidence level? Do I work in an organization that treats employees with dignity and respect? When I was young, what was my dream job? How far or close is my current job to that vision? How happy am I right now? If I could do anything right now, and money wasn’t a factor, what would it be? Have I been doing all I can to promote gender parity in my workplace? How can I be a mentor or sponsor to a female colleague or connection? Is there a woman on my team I could be celebrating or praising for a job well done? Is there more I can be doing to ensure a pipeline of female applicants for my department’s current job openings? If you have been feeling stalled in your career, coaching can help you hit the gas and accelerate to the next level. Whether you need tools to develop your confidence or want to strategize for greater success in your career, I can help. Perhaps you need help navigating the politics in your organization or dealing with a boss who has become a bully. My role as a coach is to empower you to reach your full potential. I believe you are the expert in your life, and it is my job to draw that expertise out with the right questions (like the ones above). I listen, provide perspective, support and accountability, all aimed at helping you excel in your career and live your best life. Another fantastic way to support the goal of gender parity is by offering coaching to the women (and men) in your department or organization. Happy Women's Day!

Success is a Choice.